I'm sitting in my super cluttered room at my parents house (big shocker that it's the DAY before I'm moving and my room is still a wreck) and all I can see are clothes and boxes and suitcases. Moving boxes. I'm moving. 650 miles away. To Georgia. From Indiana.........Holy crap.

This is only the beginning. Oy.
I kinda never really figured this day would come. I've always wanted to move South but I'm starting to really question my sanity about making a 3 day decision to move so far away. Ha. I'm so thrilled and couldn't be more excited about all the new changes that will be happening in my life starting tomorrow it's just that I still feel like such a baby. I only feel old when I need to use the excuse that "I'm 20 years old and I can make my own decisions!" ...Well that has never rang more true than right this second. It's hitting me like a brick wall. But I know that God is ever-faithful and that there is more to this move than I can even begin to ponder. "God is God. Because He is God. He is worthy of my trust and obedience. I will find rest nowhere but in His holy will, a will that is unspeakably beyond my largest notions of what He is up to."
Off for more packing and organizing (boo)..then Cheesecake Factory with my family! I'm so thankful for them. Please please continue to pray for me and my family during this huge transition. I am so amazed at how God has brought people into my life lately, you know who you are. I am forever grateful.
Leaving in the morning!! Driving like 7 hours then resting up for the last 3-4 hours Friday! This is crazy. I am crazy.
My Dearest Bai,
ReplyDeleteTrust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6
I LOVE you sweet girl, and you know I am praying for all of you. Spread your wings and fly.
Annette (your other momma)