Thursday, February 10, 2011


I thought about whether or not to blog tonight about something that's been bothering me today but then I remembered, hey, this is MY blog, so I can write about whatever I want. So here goes nothin. (Some of this credit goes to Katie Mahaffey for her wonderful biblical insight!) First, I want to know why it seems as though all hair stylists are liberals with super open minds and strong opinions on EVERYTHING. Or at least what it IS about hair stylists that makes them all seem to be this way. Maybe it's the creativity..the diversity..the dominant gay population? Whatever it all just got to me at school today. Not that there is ANYTHING wrong with being open minded, different, or having strong beliefs..that is not what I am saying. What I am saying though is that there is a right way to go about things. And there's ways to get your point across without being hateful. I'm saying all of that to say this: I don't agree with gay marriage. *gasp!* ...We had a long discussion at school today (Paul Mitchell the school Atlanta) because some of the instructors and students are openly boycotting Chickfila for their recent stand against gay marriage. Here's my take on that: why do liberal people think that they can voice their opinions and stand up for what they believe in but when anything that has to do with Christianity steps in, it's automatically not allowed or "close minded" as I was called today. Clearly Chickfila is a Christian company..they aren't open on Sundays, they play Christian music, help out schools and churches, etc. but yet when they take action for something that most biblical Christians would stand up for, it becomes controversial and offensive. Which leads me to my next point: homosexuals who say they are Christians. I pray to God that any gay person that I have ever talked to really IS saved and really does know the true meaning of what it means to have a personal relationship with God, but if you are truly a Christian, you are to flee from sin. (1 Timothy 6:11 says, "But you, O Man of God, flee from these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.") The bible clearly states that homosexuality is sin and that it is unnatural. (Romans 1:26-27 , Leviticus 20:13) So if you are stating that you are gay AND you are a are not living as a biblical Christian which is the whole basis for the religion. And the argument that you are "born gay" is also false, because humans were made in Christ's image, and Christ was against homosexuality. Genesis 19 tells the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, who were put to death for homosexual acts. I simply believe that you can't be a TRUE biblical Christian and claim the name of Jesus and also claim to be gay. It's contradictory.

NOW, do I judge people who are gay? No. That is not my place. The bible calls us to love like Jesus, who did love everyone but who is also a just God. Would I ever not associate with people that are gay? Absolutely not. One of my best friends, Drew, is very openly gay and I love him very much. Do I agree with his lifestyle? No, but he knows that I don't judge him or think that I am any better because sin is sin, big or small. A lot of people get caught up in the idea that homosexuality is bigger than God. That since it's a "lifestyle sin" and is more and more common, that God can't change the hearts of why people love who they love. But He can. God is BIG. Bigger than ANY sin and like I said, when the fall of mankind took place, God handed us over to sin nature but also promised to rescue us when we called for Him and were ready for change. You have to be willing and want to change your lifestyle and sin issues before it will ever really become right and pure in your heart. I know that this is a very "touchy" subject and that there are many opinions and views on what is right and everything but as a Christian, I go by the Holy Bible and God's word says more than once that being gay is not right and that it is unnatural and I'm sticking by my beliefs no matter how unpopular. We are not called to be the majority and Christ said that being a Christian would not be easy but I've always remembered that "if you don't' stand for something, you'll fall for anything" and I agree so much. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I honestly feel as though I am right in this as far as not being close-minded, but simply backing up truth with the basis for my religion and my Godly reasoning. I am never looking to offend anyone but as Christians, especially in today's world, we are called to be bold.

That's all I got. Just a lot bouncing around in my head after a few heated discussions at school today. I often find myself wanting to get frustrated when people don't understand where I am coming from, but to each his own. I guess what bothers me most is when people can have an opinion of their own but when someone says something to contradict what they believe, it's 'wrong' or 'judgemental." I just know what I believe to be right and true and what Jesus says and that's something I will always take a stand on and never apologize for.


  1. Bailey, you know my views are totally the opposite of yours, but I just wanted to say that I applaud you for putting your beliefs out there. I think you're an amazing person. Screw the haters! <3 Amanda

  2. as you know, my beliefs are entirely different than you in most ways, but respect is still on the table for truly being opinionated.

    **just a tad bit of information for you as well:)
    Chickfila isn't closed on Sunday due to Christian beliefs,(although it is owned by a Christian)it is closed because when the founder of the company, Truett Cathy started it up he didn't want any of her current( or future) employees to have to work all 7 days of the week. His whole point was that he himself worked 6 of the 7 days trying to make a way for himself, and he wanted his employees who he also hoped worked as hard, to have time off to relax. :)

    just wanted you to know he's a good guy in my book for that...even if we don't see eye to eye on the current issue at hands. Hope all is well with you Miss Bailey girl <3

  3. Well said, friend. Agreement all the way :)
