Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Crazy Love.

I couldn't sleep last night so I was kinda rummaging through my room going through things when I found a Target bag from a few weeks ago with the book, Crazy Love by Francis Chan inside. I had always seen this book at Christian bookstores but never really read the back but when it was on sale a few weeks ago I decided to pick it up not even knowing what it was about. So I figured reading always makes me sleepy and little did I know, I was about to open up and read life-changing words. I got through about 70 pages before I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore but I already can't wait to finish it...and then read it again. The jist of the book is living DIFFERENTLY for Christ. Not just knowing who God is but really having a desire to fear Him and live for Him. To realize that life is 100% more abundant when lived for God, and that we are NOTHING without Him. In the beginning of this book, Francis has you stop and go look up a video on just how BIG God is. (I will post it at the end of this post) It will change your whole outlook and will stop you in your tracks and let you marvel in his totally awesome and creative mind and make you realize just how SMALL you really are. Incredible.

Even though I haven't been struggling with one specific sin lately in my life I have been praying for conviction on even the smallest things in my life: patience with my parents, letting a curse word slip out when I am frustrated, letting myself get overwhelmed for no reason..and not to say that these things don't matter but what I want is to live a clean life. To live right because I want to and not just because it's what I should do. I think we, as Christians, get complacent. We forget the true meaning behind why we try and do the right thing. We go to church because our parents go, because we were raised to believe that Sundays are for church and not because we are hungry for more Jesus..we pray before bed because it's routine or we want something, not because we want a real conversation with God. We do the right things in front of our peers and in public because it makes us look better and seem like good people, not because we know we owe God our lives and to be examples and witnesses. We HAVE to change. We have to WANT Jesus. We have to know that a life lived for God will be, not can be, but WILL be better than anything this world has to offer. We have to whole-heartedly trust that even though it's not always the most popular thing, taking a stand for Jesus WILL change lives and that God promises good for those to seek Him. We will never be able to fully understand God and what He is up to in our lives, but we must not stop searching. Ever.

I have friends lately that have turned to worldly things for comfort and peace and simply to "numb" the life they know..when really they don't even have it bad at all. It breaks my heart for people who have experienced God's goodness and still choose to live that way. NOT saying I am perfect at all or never choose this world, but that is what this book is teaching me, to WANT to change and to trust that God will be sufficient if we do the right thing. If everyone could see just a glipse of God's grace and peace and faithfulness I just know that this world and it's problems would be different. People often ask why God "lets" bad things happen when in reality the only explanation He "owes" us (and really He doesn't owe us anything..) is that He is God, and that is enough if we trust and know that He has a plan. We often think that if we were given the chance to play God, that we, dirty sinning humans, wouldn't dare let bad things happen because it's just not fair. Shame on us. We think we could do better when we sin every single day and yet the BLEMISH-FREE, ALL-KNOWING, and PERFECT God we claim to trust IS doing just that: what is best and we have to know that it is for our good. We wouldn't be true Christians if we didn't believe that. God promises good to those who believe and life is so short so we have to share that with the hopeless. It's what we are called to do.

I often wonder why when people are buddhist or atheist or taoist or wiccan or "coexist" they get a "thumbs-up" for being different and exploring options but yet if someone finds out you're a Christian it's either looked down upon or that you're just like everyone else. THIS IS A PROBLEM. Chrisians are more known for what they don't do: don't drink, don't have sex before marriage, don't go out with their friends, don't have fun, don't like anyone different than themselves, etc., than for what we are doing. We should be known for helping others first, loving unconditionally, NOT JUDGING, doing whatever it takes to show God's love, still being in the places where there are no other Christians to be a witness, and simply sharing the truth but not shoving our beliefs down people's throats. IT IS SO IMPORTANT to change people's views on Christianity..the fate of our religion depends on it. Our generation is so good at being bold and making thing happen and if we could only do this with Christianity, too, I know there would be a revolution.

Something that REALLY bothers me is that Christians are first and foremost known for judging anyone who is different, down to little things. Having tattoos and facial piercings and a gay friend who I hang out with regularly, I personally have felt judged around "church people" and in certain churches and I feel that this is SO wrong because no one got the chance to get my beliefs and that I believe in God. It was overlooked my my outward appearance and that is something that makes me SO sad. I know my parents don't neccessarily like my tattoos and such but as TRUE CHRISTIANS we are called to look at everyone's heart and not be so worried about the outside. One of my favorite bible verses EVER is one that my brother, Brennan, wrote in crayon on a piece of paper in like kindergarten and it reads, "Man looks at the outward, but the LORD looks at the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7 IT IS SO TRUE..and if we are trying to be LIKE the LORD..which is the whole point of claiming to be a Christian (Being more like Jesus..) then why are we still looking at outward appearance?! It's insane to me. Matthew 7:1 says, "Do not judge, or you too, will be judged." We can't only follow the parts of scripture that we like, we have to follow it all. So I challenge you today to look past pink hair and black clothes and tattoos and people who don't have money and elderly and ANYONE different from you. You don't know their heart or intentions or where they are in life and your kindness might change them. They will notice and difference in you and you can tell them that it's because you have JESUS. What an amazing way to change the world.

I'm begging you today, right now, as youre reading this, to stop and pray for change in your heart. For a desire to LIVE for Christ and the ability to look past people's flaws for everyone, including myself, has them. It will do you so much good. We owe it to our amazing savior. I'm praying for YOU and know that no matter where you are, you have God.

Now watch this video and be in awe of our inspiring and powerful God who is BIGGER than your biggest problem, fear, obstacle, pain, trial, and hurt and knows everything about you. You are not too far gone. I love you. Now be amazed:

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Bailey. Your words say it all. I just watched the video. Unbelieveable. Truly awesome.
